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Discovery in Court appointed cases

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July 09, 2019, 15:37
L Pence
Discovery in Court appointed cases
Normally we ask the defense attorneys to provide disc or thumb drives for us to copy videos on to when we provide them discovery. We now have an attorney who says because he is court appt the state has to provide everything for him. How does anyone else provide video to court appt attys?
July 10, 2019, 09:23
We have moved more to electronic discovery for everything including videos, but prior to that the local defense bar had purchased DVD's in bulk that were provided for all defense attorneys' discovery. Also most local defense attorney's provided several flash drives that were kept by our discovery department and then they would load the discovery on the flash drive so the defense attorney could load it to their system and then reuse the same flash drive unlimited times, which would be virtually no costs.

I don't believe that 39.14 distinguishes between retained and appointed cases regarding the costs being charged. They can put any costs in their requisition requests for the county. Does this same defense attorney require the State to provide him with a computer to use for typing documents or the paper to print motions on for all of his court appointed clients.