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testimony regarding false confessions

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April 04, 2007, 22:08
testimony regarding false confessions
Does anyone have experience with defense experts on alleged false confessions? We have recently been given notice the defense intends to call such an expert on an upcoming capital murder trial. Is this testimony even admissible? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Eren Price
Dallas County District Attorney's Office
April 05, 2007, 08:16
Call Greg Miller in Tarrant county. His number can be found on the DA's website.

April 05, 2007, 08:27
Check out the Anti-Expert Predicate in the Predicate Manual (a new edition is at the presses). Use the checklist for defeating the admissibility of such soft science nonsense. In addition, I would think the use of such an expert would make it very likely that you can have your expert interview the defendant in preparation for rebutting their expert.