September 02, 2004, 12:28
Martha W. WarnerEver heard of a wenis?
God I'm getting old. This is a new slang combination of weiner and penis. Are there other unknown words that I should learn? Maybe I need to get Phillip's new word a day emails to stay caught up.
September 02, 2004, 14:38
JimbeauxWell, it's not that new. I seem to recall Butthead calling Beavis a wenis about ten years ago.
September 02, 2004, 16:23
JohnRI'm sure I'll catch flack on this, but that was a term used on
Friends by Chandler back when he was some sort of accountant--it was some report he had to prepare. It was toilet humor because it rhymed with penis.
September 02, 2004, 17:30
JBStands for: Weekly Estimated Net Usage Statistics. Amazing what you can find with Google.
September 02, 2004, 18:01
Martin PetersonYes, John, I feel certain that whoever Martha heard the term from meant that, and nothing more boorish.

September 02, 2004, 20:37
JohnROne of my room-mates in college may have used that term. I have to admit that predated
Bevis and Butthead and
September 03, 2004, 09:38
Scott BrumleyCould it be, then, that your roommate was the basis for any of those characters?

My roommate in law school was the reincarnation of John Blutarsky (Belushi's character in
Animal House); although he didn't use the term, it might have been applicable to describe how some at the Tech law school perceived him.
September 03, 2004, 09:41
Elizabeth G.OK, embarassing confession time: my husband and I (neither of whom are much into TV) have both been known to use the term to refer to our 7 month old son's privates (substitute "wee" for "weiner", as in "Watch out for his little wenis!"). Come on, you've gotta admit it's kinda cute in that context.
Elizabeth FoleyAss't Crim. District Attorney
Galveston County
September 03, 2004, 11:33
Originally posted by Elizabeth G.:
OK, embarassing confession time: my husband and I (neither of whom are much into TV) have both been known to use the term to refer to our 7 month old son's privates (substitute "wee" for "weiner", as in "Watch out for his little wenis!").
I foresee some hefty therapy bills in your future . . .

September 03, 2004, 18:03
Martha W. WarnerGod you are all babies out there! I must admit that I have never watched Bevis and Butthead and was actually thinking that I was sharing a newly created word. Elizabeth "wenis" ( my spelling) is cuter than "doodle" which was what we called my son's...Need to go watch Lawrence Welk reruns. You guys keep me up to date!!!!!