TDCAA Community
Competency Jury Trial

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August 16, 2013, 10:21
Lauren H
Competency Jury Trial
I've got a competency jury trial coming up in a couple of weeks. I was hoping for suggestions on voir dire and/or a jury charge as to competency. The State has a number of witnesses lined up to testify, but I'm looking for help from any wiser, more experienced prosecutors. I have the book on Mental Defenses which has given guidance, but first-hand experiences/suggestions are always welcome.
August 22, 2013, 12:46
Big issues on voir dire: explain what competency means -- "right now" vs. at the time of the offense, and how it's different from sanity; mental illness and insanity are not the same; if he's found incompetent doesn't mean the case is dismissed; find out what experience people have with psychiatrists and psychologists and if they have any personal experience with people with mental illness. If there's a particular medication involved, find out what they know about that med. Do you want him to be found competent or incompetent? Feel free to contact me directly if you have other questions.