TDCAA Community
Fractured skull/child

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September 19, 2005, 10:10
Martha W. Warner
Fractured skull/child
Have one of those cases with a child with a fractured skull. 2 young parents claiming innocence. "Baby has fallen off the bed and couch...Baby got head stuck in the crib and fell from the crib.." How can I prove when the child's skull fracture occurred? Are there experts that can review the case and testify that the child could not have recieved the injuries without an intentional act of force against the child? CPS is involved but if I can prosecute the parents I'd like to.Another issue is who had access to the child.
September 19, 2005, 11:14
I'd call Bonnie Armstrong at the Shaken Baby Alliance in Fort Worth. 817-882-8686.
She can surely put you in touch w/ a credible expert to review the facts and give you an opinion on the likelihood of the injury being accidental
September 19, 2005, 11:47
Martha W. Warner
Lisa, thanks for the help.