TDCAA Community
Inmate Mail Policies?

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September 02, 2003, 17:02
Quiet Man
Inmate Mail Policies?
I'm hoping that folks will share how they handle inmate mail. We receive a large volume of mail, ranging from "I didn't do it and I can prove it" to "I've been coronated Emperor of the planet Mongo and demand my unconditional release!" A blanket "round file"" policy might miss something important, while attempting to answer each one on the merits could take more time than actually prosecuting the underlying case. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
September 03, 2003, 09:07
Ken Sparks
Mongo must have more than one Emperor since I have been getting some of the same mail!

For inmates in county jail, I forward all letters to their attorney. For inmates in prison or state jail seeking a "time cut", the round file gets used. For those in prison with a legal complaint,such as jail credit, I respond and advise them to seek help from the Staff Counsel for Inmates or whatever their new name is.
September 03, 2003, 11:14
Can you simply throw away documents that are sent to a prosecutor's office? We put all arriving documents in the defendant's file. We never, ever respond to inmate mail. We do forward letters that seek some action to the entity that can take action.