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Check your rights at the door?

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March 17, 2005, 11:08
Rebecca Gibson
Check your rights at the door?
Most won't travel to third world countries due to the fact that you have to check your rights at the border. That just isn't true for the 'third world country' of California. It seems you have a lot of rights in California.

First off, you have the right to publicity if you are a suspected murderer (I think Texas has that right also). Barbara Walters is interested in what you have to say.

Secondly, you have the right to months and months of trial by a jury of your peers (or someones peers) that profess no knowledge of your publicity stunts prior to trial (obviously, their antenna doesn't go all the way up).

Third, your right to months and months of trial does not diminish even if the State only has 3 days worth of evidence. See right number 2.

Fourth, you have the right to wear make up to your trial that may disguise your flaws, and designed to make you appear like Diana Ross.

Fifth, you have the right to be found not guilty by a jury of your peers, even though you previously solicited (not once but twice) the victim's murder through some distasteful, unsavory people (ie: the only type ANYONE would go to for a hit man).

Ultimately, you have the right to be taken seriously when you say that you were dining alone with the woman you dispised, and accidently left your gun on the table (like a bus boy/waiter isn't going to notice that), but didn't realize it until you got to your car, left your well dispised wife in the car, in an alley, run back to get your gun, and imagine your good luck - you get back and the woman ruining your life is shot dead.

A couple of tears, vomit, dribble and pith

March 18, 2005, 10:20
March 18, 2005, 13:27
Barry Green
In one of the more amazing pieces of self promotion I've ever seen, check out this brief interview of a Robert Blake juror on Larry King Live - an interview that took place on the day of the acquittal. (Obtained from CNN website):


KING: All right. Roberto, are we saying tonight that, in your opinion as a juror, Robert Blake didn't do this or the state didn't prove it?

EMERICK: Well, I've just got to tell you right off the bat. As I was going through this trial, it was very emotional, and it took a couple years off my life. And what I did was I chronolized (ph) everything and I put it on a CD. And here it is, "Judgment Day." And it's available As far as answering your question, if you can repeat that again, I will.


Everyone has 15 minutes of fame - and some try to profit on it. (The web site promots a CD of songs about the trial. It also stated that "by law" the CD could not be sold for 90 days but reservations were being taken).

[This message was edited by Barry Green on 03-18-05 at .]

[This message was edited by Barry Green on 03-18-05 at .]

[This message was edited by Barry Green on 03-18-05 at .]