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Att. Cap. Murder - Voir Dire

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June 20, 2003, 09:21
Att. Cap. Murder - Voir Dire
A couple of weeks ago I tried to pick a jury for an attempted capital murder case. It was a first for me. We had a small panel to begin with, and we ultimately lost too many for cause to continue. So, I get to do it again in another couple of weeks.

We lost many jurors because they could not consider community supervision for the offense. I tried several different approaches for rehabing those folks, without success. I believe that once they heard the phrase "capital murder" they conjured up in their minds shocking images of Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, and the like. And I directly addressed that very thing. But I couldn't overcome their preconceived notions. Can anyone provide me with some suggestions on how to handle this situation on the next go 'round? You can email me directly, if you like.

July 01, 2003, 11:16
Mark Edwards
We have a similiar case set for trial in a month. As a hypo----Parents have a 5 year old child who is on life support and who will always be on life support. One of the parents "pulls the plug" so their child will not have to live that kind of life. The nurse comes in, sees what has happened, and revives the child so that the child continues living on life support. You have att. capital murder because of the age of the child. Anyone could give probation under those facts.