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trial software

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July 21, 2011, 16:05
Dee Belknap
trial software
just doing a little research for the office... does anyone actually use trial software and if so, do you like what you've got and why?
July 24, 2011, 09:02

I'm in the process of learning to use "Time Map", "Case Map" and "Note Map". These programs came to my attention in the private practice days. Little pricey, but based on current use and value in "learning the case", seems to be well worth it.

One caveat, is that I have light case load and luxury of time to work the programs. In the next two weeks, I'll be getting specialized training in them to enhance my "pretty good" working knowledge of them. They are very intense programs as to entry of date, which, for me, is part of the "learning" of the case.

In my opinion, Time Map, which is the "timeline"/chonology program is most helpful on a less time consuming basis. Current versions create vertical and/or horizonal timelines which are most helpful for trial and in case analysis. I recommend it highly.

Case map is great for its Reports, connection and linking of facts, parties and evidence. Great for trial and in sharing with witness for preperation of testimony. For forcing one to focus on the sequence, the Notemap Program, which is a outlining program, is very good also for witness prep. Was very helpful in developing testimony for DPS Chemist recently.

There are others but the above seem to "fit" my thought process and method of case review and trial prep.

Bill Helwig
Yoakum County Criminal District Attorney