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Subpoena Results Question.

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January 26, 2005, 08:49
Subpoena Results Question.
I am a criminal investigator with the UTA Police Dept. I am working a CC Abuse case which I will be clearing exceptionally because the victim no longer wants to press charges and I have developed a definite suspect. I have received results from 5 subpoenas during the course of the investigation. Now that I won't be filing the case, what do I do with the subpeona results? I know if I did file case then subpoenas do not go with case report; I would have to find DA assigned to case and give them directly to him.

Is there any special provision(s) dealing with subpeona retention/destruction? Do I shred them immediately? Wait until Statute of Limitations has run and then shred?

I have asked local DA and got conflicting answers.
January 26, 2005, 09:42
I would first caution you about shopping for an answer other than the one given by your local DA.

Grand jury subpoenas are returned to the grand jury.