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Topless Powerpoint

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April 24, 2008, 13:05
Topless Powerpoint
Erik, perhaps TDCAA should be screening presentations:

Lawmaker whose computer showed topless image to kids resigns

The Ohio House Democratic leader says a state lawmaker whose computer displayed an image of a topless woman has resigned.

The image was projected after Rep. Matthew Barrett inserted a data memory stick into the computer for a lecture on how a bill becomes a law. The Democrat from Columbus was speaking in October to an American government class of about 20 high school students.

Barrett first said he didn't know how the image had become intermingled with his presentation. A later review by the State Highway Patrol found that the image had been downloaded by one of his children.

April 24, 2008, 13:27
OK, I just went to youtube and watched the video from Schoolhouse Rock on how a bill becomes a law, and I didn't see any topless women. I feel better now. It's still safe for kids. Smile
April 24, 2008, 13:27
Andrea W
Just another reason why you should always do a quick run-through on your presentations after arriving on site. As if computer crashes weren't enough to scare you off! Smile
April 24, 2008, 13:41
David Newell
You mean you're not supposed to . . . ?

. . . back to the drawing board.
April 24, 2008, 13:43
I thought one of the first rules of presenting was to grab your audience's attention...
April 24, 2008, 14:19
So, if he didn't generate the picture and the display was unintentional, why did he feel the need to resign? Surely, as a politician, he was less sensitive than that!

April 24, 2008, 14:51
Shannon Edmonds
A later review by the tate Highway Patrol found that the image had been downloaded by one of his children.

That kid is SO gonna get grounded!
April 24, 2008, 15:53
A.P. Merillat
(apLI) The Southside High School got a scare today when Matt Barrett stormed into the English as a Third Language class and snatched his sophomore son from his desk. Before Mr. Slowoski, the substitute could react, Barrett had the younger Barrett in the hall, dressing him down, but good. A young Crip member who had just emerged from the restroom where he had enjoyed some vaporous refreshment overheard Matt yelling that young Barrett should have known better than to upload his father's stash onto the government computer. "You're 22 years old, for crying out loud!" shouted Matt. "That's why I got you cable, to keep you out of my stuff!"
April 24, 2008, 17:03
Gordon LeMaire
Topless Powerpoint
You got my full attention Wink
April 25, 2008, 09:22
Didn't some tdcaa lecturer have a non-topless picture of Brittany S. in their powerpoint last year? Although the picture was "appropriate", well, nonetheless it was still of Brittany.

I can't seem to remember who that might be Big Grin, but at the time I remember thinking that the lecturer must REALLY like Brittany and her music and probably has posters of Brittany all over their home and office and probably has every cd Brittany has released in their collection and on their ipod. I thought I heard that lecturer telling some of the younger prosecutors at the seminar that his nickname was "K-FED".

Now who was that lecturer...?
April 25, 2008, 09:36
I did once use a photo of Britney and Madonna kissing, but it was totally in context with the presentation. Might want to check your spelling, GG.
April 25, 2008, 10:05
Guilty on the spelling, but since I'm not a fan of hers it's understandable.

And you were not the presenter I was thinking of, JB.
April 25, 2008, 11:56
David Newell
I have no idea who you're talking about.
April 25, 2008, 13:04
Originally posted by David Newell:
I have no idea who you're talking about.

I knew you wouldn't.
April 25, 2008, 13:42
Scott Brumley
I suppose this talk about Britney Spears is supposed to make us forget about the original subject of this thread, eh? Razz