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21.02 and venue

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April 05, 2012, 08:35
John L. Pool
21.02 and venue

I have a question regarding venue within the continuous sexual abuse statute.

Hypothetical is one allegation of indecency by touching in "Smith" county against victim #1 in 2011. One allegation of indecency by touching in "Jones" county against victim #2 in 2009. Multiple allegations of indecency by touching in "Jones" county against victim #3 in 2009.

I have read CCP 13.15, CCP 13.18, and CCP 21.02(5).

It would seem to me that charges under TPC 21.02 could be brought in "Jones" county including victims #2 and #3.

But, could charges be brought in "Smith" county including all three victims without running afoul of CCP 13.15, CCP 13.18, and CCP 21.02(5).

I have not been able to locate any case law addressing the issue of venue and multiple county prosecution involving TPC 21.02.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

April 05, 2012, 09:30
check out this prior thread
April 05, 2012, 09:46
Sent you article published in TDCAA's The Prosecutor.