May 14, 2008, 11:26
Stephanie StephensButter Phobia?
JohnR, what the heck is a butter phobia? And is there a cure? Do you have the same issues with margerine? How about those butter/margerine combos that come in tubs?
Maybe phobia is too strong a word. But if you want me not to eat something, butter it up real good. Or put ketchup, mustard, or mayo on it.
I'd starve to death if I was ever locked in a warehouse full of condiments.
May 16, 2008, 13:08
David NewellHow do you feel about "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter?"
Do you feel relieved that it isn't butter, or betrayed that it's actually similar to margarine?
And I've always been afraid to ask exactly what ingredients go into margarine.