May 09, 2008, 22:12
Shannon EdmondsD'oh!
In trying to edit a post I was adding to "What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander," I accidentally deleted the whole thread, rather than just my post, and my attempts to retrieve it have been unsuccessful. (I guess that comes with the territory of having an antiquated bulletin board operation.) My apologies to the author and other posters. Feel free to start up another one on that issue (punishments for prosecutor and defense attorney misconduct) if you see fit.
Shannon, Shannon, Shannon....
Now you and I both know that nothing a prosecutor ever erroneously does is a mistake, unintentional, or inadvertent. It is, and always will be, intentional and malicious, with the overriding intent to hide the truth and convict the innocent. Now go to jail, directly to jail!

There will be a hearing on this matter, next week, on the Senate Floor, with offended posters giving their personal stories, concluding with recommendations for having this never, ever happen again.
May 11, 2008, 12:03
Stacey L. BrownleePrepare to be mercilessly heckled at the next leg. update !

I thought nothing we did on a computer was ever truly lost.
A cover-up, you say? But you are correct. It does exist in a cache file, unless Shannon also carelessly cleared that folder. Even then, it would continue to exist on the hard drive until overwritten. Even then, someone at the NSA could recover it. So, you do have to wonder just how it was lost.
I believe that Mr. Edmonds owes RTC a personal apology that should be done face to face, including a photograph of the two together, then posted on this website for all to see.
I'll volunteer to take the picture.
May 12, 2008, 09:49
A.P. MerillatShannon, what you have done, intentionally or not, is tantamount to failing to signal intent to change lanes. I hope you're proud of yourself, mister.
Covering up a carelessly cleared cache could be considered a crime in certain counties.