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Shaken baby case

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November 02, 2005, 07:11
Shaken baby case
Unfortunately, I've got a shaken baby case. The little 7 week old girl is still alive but she will never walk, talk, etc., even if she lives. She was definitely abused by one or more of her parents but proving which one might be a problem. I don't want to put a lot of detail in a public post but I would like to kick this around "off the air" with those of you who have handled these types of tragic cases. Office phone - 936-336-4609 or email at Thanks.
November 02, 2005, 07:40
I'll call when I get to work this am, Mike. I still owe you big time for the help with locating the Shivers family as witnesses in 1997 that led to my DPS Director's Citation.
November 02, 2005, 09:09
Laura Popps
Mike, I work on these kinds of cases quite a bit; at the moment I am also working on one involving a 7-week-old baby girl (she did not survive) that goes to trial in December. Please feel free to give me a call if you like: (512) 463-0255. Also, you may want to contact the Shaken Baby Alliance at (817) 882-8686. They are INCREDIBLE and can provide you with all kinds of help in getting ready for trial: charging decisions, locating expert assistance, demonstrative evidence, etc.

[This message was edited by laura popps on 11-02-05 at .]
November 02, 2005, 18:24
I truly appreciate the responsive posts and phone calls. I wasn't able to reach all of you today but I will be in touch as this case develops.
The pediatric ICU director insisted that I see this little angel as she struggles to live. I believe that she predicted that such a viewing would be a strong motivator for me... and she was right.