TDCAA Community
Frog is a DW
June 22, 2009, 11:49
A.P. MerillatFrog is a DW
I stopped reading at "banjo."
sabre saw blade, banjo, same same.
Neither conjures references to the boudoir.
I'm just imagining the words from the boyfriend that convinced the girlfriend to consent to this test. "Uh, baby, I've got a great idea..."
Well, it could have been her idea, although the good money is on the boyfriend for dreaming up this great idea. You know he had to bounce this brainstorm around with his friends over beers before he tried it out.
I wonder if he's related to the guy who put the barstool on the go cart? Or kin to the guy who invented the banjo?
For whatever comfort it brings, Houston is not alone in its sun-baked, overcooked, desiccated misery. ... The temperature officially hit 101, a record for the date and 9 degrees above normal. There is little hope for improvement for the rest of the week. Expect the mercury to reach 101 today.
Details.June 24, 2009, 16:54
David NewellHot town summer in the city back of my neck gettin' dirty and gritty.
The record heat came as the Texas Clean Air Force issued an ozone watch for Central Texas tomorrow, meaning that conditions are favorable for high ozone.
Poor air quality puts the elderly, young children and those with chronic lung ailments, such as asthma and emphysema, at risk for breathing complications, officials said. They recommend that those residents avoid exposure by minimizing exertion outdoors.
June 24, 2009, 20:23
David Newell
I had no idea the electric boogaloo was so . . . deadly.
It started with an argument about how slowly three men were playing golf at the Lions Municipal Golf Course on Enfield Road.
It ended with a 73-year-old man aiming a loaded pistol Monday at former Westlake High School football player Matt Nader in the golf course parking lot and claiming he was "morally obligated to destroy" him, according to court documents.
Originally posted by David Newell:
I had no idea the electric boogaloo was so . . . deadly.
Are the rumors that you will wear that EXACT same outfit, replete with hat, at your next TDCAA presentation true?

Originally posted by David Newell:
Hot town summer in the city back of my neck gettin' dirty and gritty.
This is exactly why you need to be the third guitarist for A.P. and the Lesser Includeds. It's a requirement for membership that you know that song, and many like it.
You'd have to wear the quasi-Prince outfit, displayed by Ozone in the post above, for all performances though. I feel sure it would drive the appellate groupies wild.
A British man was rushed to the hospital Tuesday after trying to use nail clippers to circumcise himself, according to the Telegraph.
Details.July 02, 2009, 08:23
Does this belong in the things that don't go together thread?
Nail clippers and circumcision.
[This message was edited by David Newell on 07-02-09 at .]
A 16-year-old girl thought she heard her mother being assaulted by her boyfriend and rounded up some friends who beat him up, only to learn later that the couple actually were having sex, the woman and police said.
Details.[After reading this entry, my wife muttered, "Oh, there is more to this story..."]
[This message was edited by JB on 07-04-09 at .]
[This message was edited by JB on 07-04-09 at .]
On Thursday morning - after not hearing from them for days - a neighbor called 911 and firefighters forced their way into the twins' South Side home to find both women dead inside the sweltering house.
Authorities said it appeared they died of heatstroke, although the Bexar County medical examiner's office had yet to rule on causes of death.
Details.A woman accused in the shooting death of her common-law husband told police her gun accidentally fired while they were playing a game of "dirty cowboy" during sexual foreplay, a Harris County prosecutor said.
Details.[The Urban Dictionary provides three definitions. I can see why the woman declined to describe it for police or reporters.]
You beat me to it. I was gonna post it under Things that don't go together.
Guns and foreplay, or guns and any kind of sex.
I can't wait until A.P. reaches into his banjo case and comments upon this one.
I notice that the defendant was appointed Murray Newman for representation. He has a blog that covers things that go on in the Harris County courthouse. I bet he is dying to blog on his Dirty Cowboy case, but it likely will have to wait until the case is resolved.
July 14, 2009, 15:32
APorterAhh... no witty comment from Newell?
(I guess we'll have to wait until after our urban cowgirl appeals her conviction.)
July 15, 2009, 09:42
Scott BrumleyCowboys like smoky old poolrooms and clear mountain mornings,
little warm puppies and children and girls of the -- say, baby, that thing isn't loaded, is it?