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One of the good guys

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August 04, 2008, 07:18
One of the good guys
Ted Wilson, ADA in Houston, is retiring. He has been a great prosecutor, teacher, adviser. For details, click here.

How about letting him know how you feel about his service to TDCAA, fellow prosecutors, victims and Texans in general? You may have seen him this summer during the Regionals. He has been teaching Search and Seizure, using the lessons in his TDCAA book.
August 04, 2008, 08:09
David Newell
There are so many things the article gets right, but I particularly liked the "prince of a guy" line. Congratulations on your retirement Mr. Wilson and good luck in your latest endeavors. In marked contrast to Billy Madison, I can honestly say that I am much smarter having listened to you speak.
August 04, 2008, 10:40
A.P. Merillat
A man blessed with much wisdom. Never hesitant to share that wisdom.
August 04, 2008, 11:10
We may have never met, but I have always learned plenty when Ted Wilson spoke on search and seizure law--most recently at Advanced. All of us in the criminal justice field have also benefited from the sage advice in the Warrants book. Good luck.

August 04, 2008, 13:25
Marletta Scribner
And I think I can speak for DA/CA Investigators around the State, the best way to keep everyone in class on Friday was to have Mr. Wilson scheduled. He was entertaining along with being so knowledgable about search and seizure. He would be open to any and all questions. We all left with the information we needed on this subject to take back to our local law enforcement. Harris County was lucky to have him on a daily basis, we were lucky to have him when we needed him. Refreshing to know he will continue to train law enforcement. Best of luck to you, sir.
August 04, 2008, 20:14
Originally posted by A.P. Merillat:
A man blessed with much wisdom. Never hesitant to share that wisdom.

You said it all, AP. Never too busy to help a prosecutor on a search question on the phone. Same with his wife, Roe.