TDCAA Community
quote of the day--sleaze

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December 05, 2007, 20:36
quote of the day--sleaze
From another list I watch:

"I agree it's slightly sleazy, but I'm a
criminal defense lawyer and sleaziness gets me going."

[This message was edited by JohnR on 12-06-07 at .]
December 06, 2007, 09:25
Why not tell us where you saw the quote? Does the author need protection?
December 06, 2007, 09:36
Maybe I don't want anyone to know that I'm on a geeky computer lawyer list . . . oops!
December 06, 2007, 10:08
Now you have to "fess" up.

December 06, 2007, 15:15
I second the motion to fess up.
December 06, 2007, 15:34
I smell a couple of "geeky computer lawyer list" wanna-bes.
December 06, 2007, 16:02
True, I do look over other legal sites, but why is JohnR so reticent about his.

December 06, 2007, 16:30
Oh, I'm not a wanna be, I'm just responding to JohnR's recent post on my art made from grits thread in the "other" section of the forum. For those who don't recall, allow me to recap:

Maybe we should wonder why Greg is lurking over there? Heck, Greg seems to spend enough time lurking over there that maybe RTC is Greg's alter ego, and their exchanges just an internal dialogue . . .

December 06, 2007, 17:12
Okay, for those who think I am being unfair . . .

I perused this on a yahoo list called maclaw, for lawyers who use Macintosh computers.

Of course, I lurk there under nome de guerre, but I bet y'all could figure mine out if you look at the list.

Funny thing was, this comment was made in the context of complaining about the rebate forms associated with computer software and hardware.

There, it is out. My name is John. I am a lawyer with a Macintosh computer. Its been 18 days since I last watched a Steve Jobs keynote.

Now, I expect another, more famous Macintosh equiped prosecutor to step up and make his admission, too.
December 07, 2007, 08:12

December 07, 2007, 08:38
JohnR seems confused about his identity.

He seems ashamed of being a lurker. That I understand. Shout out your true name.

He seems mildly embarrassed about hanging out with defense attorneys. That sort of confusion happens occasionally.

But he acts as if "coming out" on the use of an Apple computer is something to be afraid about. And, like any bashful Mac user, he seeks confirmation in his "Appleness" by dragging some celebrity out of the closet with him.

I say there is plenty of room on this User Forum for all types of computer users. Does it really matter if we are Mac or PC? Can't we all just support each other and get along?

So, be proud of your computer orientation, JohnR, be proud.
December 07, 2007, 08:39
J Ansolabehere
I am forced to use PCs at the office, but at home I am a Macintosh gal all the way. I have been using Apple computers since my first Apple IIE back in 1983. No programs that suddenly decide not to open; no need for an IMS department to figure why something is not working, etc. I gave up my Palm at the office because it refused to sync with my PC and no amount of coaxing by the gurus in IMS made it change it's mind.

JohnR, got to love those keynote presentations!

Janette A
December 07, 2007, 09:45
Yes, we do offer our colleagues free counseling for whatever ails them--even computer orientation.

December 07, 2007, 10:35
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
December 07, 2007, 11:13
Janette, I remember how jealous I was when you got a Mac Powerbook 170 in law school.

Actually, the MacLaw list is comprised of all sorts of lawyers, including the criminal defense lawyer who liked the "sleaze" of the rebate game. As best I can tell, though, I'm the only prosecutor who posts on there.

By the way, the wonderful Diane Beckham and Sarah Wolfe produce our great TDCAA magazines and books on Macs.
December 07, 2007, 15:47
J Ansolabehere
John, I still have that old Mac Powerbook 170--it's a nice paperweight. Do you know, that in 1992, that computer cost $3,400 and had a huge <grin> 40 megabyte hard drive?

Janette A
December 07, 2007, 16:00
Originally posted by JohnR:
By the way, the wonderful Diane Beckham and Sarah Wolfe produce our great TDCAA magazines and books on Macs.

Hey, just because you're out and proud is no reason to out others who might rather have their private preferences remain private.

I myself tried a Mac. But it was while I was in college, and I didn't save anything.
December 07, 2007, 18:02
I think I pulled a muscle laughing at that one. I think you saved an otherwise terrible week. Smile