June 02, 2004, 16:52
JK McCownmanual strangulation
Does anyone know of a good resource book on strangulation and asphyxiation injuries?
June 03, 2004, 08:54
JScrogginsI don't know how helpful it might be, but I have a book entitled, "Scientific Evidence in Civil and Criminal Cases" by Moenssens et al that has a short, but fairly helpful section on Anoxia, Asphyxia etc. under causes of death, etc. They also refer to some articles they call helpful from medical and/or scientific journals. My book is a Fourth Edition and was printed by Foundation Press in 1995, there is probably a more recent edition out there if you are interested.
June 03, 2004, 10:58
jsbooneThere is an article called "How to Improve your Investigation and Strangulation Cases" by Gael B. Strack and Dr. George McClane.
It was mentioned in the 2002 Domestic Violence Newsletter that Harris County's Family Criminal Law Division put together.
Give them a call. I'm sure they would be glad to help.
June 10, 2004, 10:22
JK McCownThanks for the suggestions. And thank you Jane Waters for faxing the articles and suggested witness questions!