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State's motion to compel writing exemplar

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February 19, 2008, 16:49
El Paso
State's motion to compel writing exemplar
Has anyone ever moved for a defendant to be required to submit to writing exemplar? I have not found anyone in El Paso who has done one, as yet, and am wondering if any of you folks might be able to give me some guidance. Thanks for any help you can give me.
February 19, 2008, 17:23
Jeff Swain
I just emailed you one. Good luck!
February 19, 2008, 17:41
El Paso
Thank you Jeff, Starla, Chloe, and Sean for so quickly responding with samples.
February 20, 2008, 06:32
You've probably already done this but it's a good idea to check with your hand writing expert in order to determine what they need for a proper exemplar. The old "London letter" isn't really used much anymore. Most experts want at least 15-20 samples which are made on the same type of paper (lined or not), etc. Just a thought.
February 20, 2008, 08:16
Melissa Hightower
ML hit the nail on the head....

As a Forgery & Question Document examiner, please, please check with whomever you will be using to examine the writing! There are certain things we will want depending on the type of writing, the style of the writing, certain words, certain combinations, etc.

By conferring first with your expert, and having the expert take the samples, not you, you will have a greater chance of usable samples.
February 20, 2008, 09:55
El Paso
Thanks for the comments. We are conferring with our expert and have provided him a packet as he requested.