January 16, 2008, 14:11
Andrea WRefreshing comment in the DMN
The Dallas Morning News published an article today about Dallas murder rates. The article is interesting enough, but my favorite part was this particular quote:
There are a lot more plausible explanations for why the killings tapered off in urban jungles: Cities responded to the sudden spike in homicides and the growing drug culture by hiring more police officers and fine-tuning patrol strategies. Laws were stiffened. More prisons were built.
The article can be found
January 17, 2008, 22:03
Shannon EdmondsThat gentleman must not read the New York Times; if he did, he would know that we keep incarcerating people
despite decreases in crime because we're just _____________ [fill in the blank with your favorite perjorative Yankee term for Texans].
No other explanation is allowed to grace the pages of the Old Gray Lady, so it must be true.