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New Classes by TDCAA on Warrants: Preparing, writing etc...

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June 05, 2006, 05:51
New Classes by TDCAA on Warrants: Preparing, writing etc...
Just wondering when and if the TDCAA would be having any more classes on Warrants, such as writting, preparing and all that good stuff. Its been a few years but they had one in Llano on Search Warrants and Warrantless searches and arrests that was a very good class!!! Just wondering what other classes might be coming up concerning Warrants (especially writting and preparing.) Thanks if any of you can help.
June 05, 2006, 13:52
J Ansolabehere
I know that a lot of hour Highway Patrol Troopers would probably appreciate a class or partial class on writing evidentiary search warrant affidavits and the accompanying orders and return for getting a blood sample from a person arrested for DWI. Maybe Clay could incorporate it into his classes?

Janette Ansolabehere
June 05, 2006, 14:13
Stacey L. Brownlee
Ted Wilson just did a big class here in Austin but I don't know if it was a "TDCAA" class. You might check with Ted to see what his class schedule is.
June 06, 2006, 08:07
TDCAA is in the middle of its regional schedule for this summer, with topics of Jury Selection, Juvenile Law, Confessions and Domestic Violence. Search & Seizure law, including warrants, is a popular topic and one that I believe will come back into the regional setting in the next year or two, but it probably won't be anytime in 2006.

I hope that answers your question. Feel free to email me ( with any additional questions or comments, as we always like to get feedback on potential topics and/or speakers. Also, I can help get offices in touch with speakers on given subjects if you want, so email or call me if you would like some help in that regard, as well.

June 07, 2006, 01:51
Thanks for your replies, i appricate it.
June 07, 2006, 01:54
I was in the process the other day of trying to type up an evid. search warrant....The Magistrate that signs it has to be one that is also a Lawyer, correct? I thought i read somewhere where it stated that if your county did not have a JP, Co. Judge or Municipal judge that was a lawyer too that it had to be the District Judge unless that District Judge served more than one county then the JP or Co. Judge could sign it. (I thought it was worded something like that.) Is that true or did i dream it up....because i was very tired when we were in the middle of this. (didn't have to get the warrant but i thought this would be nice to know for future incidents.
June 07, 2006, 15:51
Ken Sparks
Look at CCP Art. 18.01(i). I do not think it matters as to a municipal judge since a municipal judge is not "serving the county".