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Forensic Accountant/Book-keeper

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May 09, 2008, 16:35
Fred Edwards
Forensic Accountant/Book-keeper
I have a mentally disabled man who is the beneficiary of a trust and it seems pretty clear to me that the trustees are stealing his money and spending it on themselves. I have more bank records than I know what to do with...but I am not an accountant or bookkeeper and I need some help in determining where this money is going through the five or six checking accounts over a five year period...this is way over my head.

Can anybody suggest someone who could help me figure this mess out...I would really like to get these thieves.

Thanks Fred in Hempstead
May 09, 2008, 18:38
I would suggest that you start with your local H & R Block office, or similar such place. If they do not have someone that can do it, they could certainly point you to someone that could. Maybe the AG's Office could help, too, with a referral.
May 09, 2008, 20:39
Originally posted by RTC:
I would suggest that you start with your local H & R Block office, or similar such place.

That is the most hilarious statement I have ever heard in my life. That is an extremely bad suggestion.

What level of education does the H&R Block person have? We're not talking about working up a 1040EZ here, we're talking about a complex fraud audit, more than likely.

Seriously Fred, a good CPA, albeit one with good fraud examination, audit and testifying experience, is all you need. Call me monday and I can throw a few numbers your way. Your county auditor may know of folks in Houston or Bryan that are competent to perform an audit of this nature.

I know some civil practitioners who use CFE's, certified fraud examiners, but I prefer a CPA if I will be trying a criminal lawsuit based upon their analysis.

Another reason for choosing an accounting firm/accountant with expertise in this area is that your trust agreement may be complex, which might well justify a higher hourly rate for some of that kind of specialized experience if your prosecution is based upon the trust agreement directing expendatures.

And with five accounts and a trust involved, it sounds like it could be a little complex.
May 09, 2008, 23:47
So I guess no CPAs or accountants work at H & R? Because that is what I meant. Not some clerk who punches in numbers on a keyboard for your for 1040
May 10, 2008, 15:15
David Newell
H & R Block seems to be primarily a tax preparation outfit, although they also offer financial investment advice. However, they do not appear to offer services such as forensic accounting.

I also didn't find anything on E.F. Hutton.
May 10, 2008, 16:25
Originally posted by David Newell:
H & R Block seems to be primarily a tax preparation outfit, although they also offer financial investment advice. However, they do not appear to offer services such as forensic accounting.

I also didn't find anything on E.F. Hutton.

Did you check with the tax preparation firm that sets up shop in the front of the Wal-Mart stores? Big Grin
May 10, 2008, 18:58
David Newell
No, but the manager has experience counting tills, so he might be a good resource. If the other suggestions, don't work out, of course.
May 10, 2008, 19:30
Since it seems people can only offer stupid suggestions here, I thought I would offer something constructive.

Here is a link to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. This is a link to all CFEs in Texas.
May 12, 2008, 09:40
Shannon Edmonds
RTC, check your private messages.