TDCAA Community
Fentanyl Murder

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June 13, 2024, 13:50
Fentanyl Murder
Howdy yall

We have a Fentanyl Murder we are looking to charge. This is the first one we have had, and I want to be extra cautious with it.

May I please see an indictment you have done for this kind of case? If nothing else a cause number so I can look it up via public records. I would greatly appreciate the example to compare to.

Hunter J. White
Felony Intake – Felony Intake Division
Brazoria County District Attorney's Office
111 E. Locust St, Room 408A
Angleton, TX 77515
Office Number: 979-864-1842
Cell Number: 281-468-4781
July 19, 2024, 10:12
Hi Let me know if you still need one -

Katherine McDaniel