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Non-violent criminal Bernie Madoff gets sentenced today.

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June 29, 2009, 08:49
Terry Breen
Non-violent criminal Bernie Madoff gets sentenced today.
Sure, he defrauded a ton of people, many of whom lost their retirement and life savings, and he caused a number of charitable organizations to go under, and sure a number of people, left destitute after a life of hard work, committed suicide--but the important thing for the federal judge fixing to set Madoff's sentence to remember is this: he is a non-violent offender.

If he keeps that in mind, and if he has absorbed the wisdom of George Soros and his many pals in the Texas legislature, he will give Bernie a very mild sentence. We can't afford to lock up all the ponzi artists in the world. After all, it's not like he actually hurt anyone.
June 29, 2009, 10:53
Madoff gets 150 years
June 29, 2009, 21:34
Terry Breen
Wow, 150 years, and he didn't even hurt anyone. Obviously, that is one federal judge who hasn't been reading his Texas Monthly, or listening to the smart people in the Texas legislature.

Think what it will cost the taxpayers to lock up Bernie Madoff for 150 years! And that money could be spent on education, which is so desperately short of public support. No telling how many future ponzi con men could be diverted to a law abiding life if only the money that will be spent to incarcerate Bernie was spent on public education.

I guess George Soros has his work cut out for him.
June 30, 2009, 10:26
C'mon Terry and at least admit it is a well-deserved and a good sentence.
June 30, 2009, 10:55
I don't know. I'm disappointed. It's not like he is going to serve the entire sentence. Seems unfair for him to use his old age to get out of the last 130 or so years of the sentence.
June 30, 2009, 12:01
John Talley
And, when he does try to parole by coffin, we can insist that his corpse serve the balance of his sentence. At least until wifey and kidos fess up to their roles and start serving their own terms.

And, NO, this is not blackmail. It is post conviction mediation.
June 30, 2009, 14:36
I just can't see how he was convicted without a DNA test and everyone at the lab proving up the results. It just doesn't seem American to me.
June 30, 2009, 21:50
Terry Breen
I agree Gretchen. It's more than a little suspecious that out of the billions of dollars he allegedly bilked out of 1000s of people, they found no DNA. If that isn't a reasonable doubt, then what is?