TDCAA Community
I need input

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March 15, 2006, 09:06
Shane Phelps
I need input
I'm giving a speech at the capital murder seminar in April on the Charging Decision in Capital Murder Cases. I would like to talk about how individual prosecutors come to grips personally with seeking a death sentence. I know that I put a lot of thought into it before my first capital. I'd like to know how other prosecutors have reconciled themselves to being able to ask a jury to put someone to death. Some may be persuaded by the deterrence rationale and others by the protection of society argument. Let me know what thought process you personally went through when you first knew you would have to try a capital (or simply in anticipation of trying one in the future) and what ultimately convinced you that the death penalty was a sound punishment option, if that is the conclusion you reached. Please remember that this is a public forum. If you have something that you would like to share in a less public manner, email me at Thanks for the help.