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April 26, 2007, 16:30
Has anybody every had a case where the defendant is charged with terroristic threat, but the defense attempts to assert a self-defense theory? If so, how did you handle the jury instruction? I guess I'm missing something as to me, terroristic threat and self-defense seem to raise a legal impossibility based on what constitutes a terroristic threat and that self-defense requires the use of force. Am I missing something?<BR><BR>Thanks, Alex from Jasper County DA's Office????
April 26, 2007, 16:36
Look at section 9.04 and see if that helps.
April 26, 2007, 16:38
9.04 .... What are the facts of your case?
April 26, 2007, 16:50
Never had that one, but there is a case in the TDCAA code book on page 22 in which self-defense was raised as a defense to criminal mischief, where the "criminal mischief" arose out of a use of force against another, so I think under the right facts it could apply to terroristic threat also - depends on what he's alleging the victim did first (e.g., V pulled his gun so D pulled his, then V called cops). Good luck!
April 27, 2007, 13:35
Well, what it sounds like is they charged him for threatening to kill someone, and he is saying I threatened him in self defense. Section 9.04 deals with threats of force rather than use of force which is regular self defense.