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Just a Thought

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June 13, 2004, 08:52
Just a Thought
Texas Environmentalists Lobby For Solar-Powered Electric Chair

AUSTIN, TX Garrett Durning of the Texas Environmental Defense League has spent the last three months campaigning tirelessly for the installation of solar-powered electric chairs in state prisons. "Texas wastes more than 500,000 watts of electricity on every criminal it executes," Durning told reporters Monday. "We live in the 21st century, and it's high time we acted like it. Let's stop depleting our non-renewable fossil fuels. Solar power is a more energy-efficient way to execute the condemned." Durning added that wrist and ankle restraints should be made of hemp rather than leather, the use of which is cruel.
June 13, 2004, 17:21
Martin Peterson
Didn't know the injections used that much power. I am for the switch (to solar).
June 14, 2004, 07:12
John Stride
If its economy we are after, the axe seems to have the edge. The rope would also have most other methods whipped! Indeed many medieval execution methods could be quite practical i.e., economical and efficient. Given our "evolving standards of decency" however I suspect these methods are considered cruel and unusual when employed by the government (whatever dreadful method convicts employ to dispatch their victims). But it is noteworthy that an environmentalist is giving at least tacit approval to executions.
June 14, 2004, 08:29
P.D. Ray
The problem with the axe is, you'd often have to take more than one whack at it. The sword was more effective. The Guillotine, with its angled blade got the job done on the first stroke.

But, facial expressions were often seen on the heads of the deceased as they were raised into the air which leads to the concern that your brain doesn't die instantly but rather has a few moments of horror afterwards.

[This message was edited by Philip D Ray on 06-14-04 at .]
June 14, 2004, 10:07
Lucky G
Aren't these environmentalists of the same ilk as the enviro-terrorists who douse SUVs with gasoline and set them ablaze? Or would that also be cruel and unusual?
June 14, 2004, 14:18
Jason Bujnosek
As long as we're making it eco-friendly, how about post-execution composting? Just think of how verdant Texas prisons will be!