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Another bogus Atkins claim?

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August 06, 2003, 16:15
Another bogus Atkins claim?

Check out the above article in today's American Statesman. Can anyone think of any relevant information they might like to see included in this article in the interest of OBJECTIVE reporting? Anyone who doesn't appreciate the mess that the Supreme Court stirred up with Atkins need look no futher than this case.
August 06, 2003, 16:34
Gordon LeMaire
The claim is totally bogus.
August 06, 2003, 22:18
Gordon LeMaire
Unfortunately, it worked. The death penalty was stayed, local news said a federal court, I thought he was up before the Supremes. But may have been a reconsideration by the Fifth Circuit.
August 09, 2003, 03:46
If there is a 1-year time limit for new claims to federal court under the AEDPA, and the mental retardation claim was first filed on June 21st, 2003 and Adkins was decided June 20th, 2002, wasnt Mr. Rivera out-of time for the federal court to intervene?