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Calling A.P.

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September 04, 2014, 22:41
Calling A.P.
Who else can I think of but my dear friend A.P. when the subject of a banjo arises?

As often is the case, the best part of the article is often in the comments section.

Perhaps A.P. can tell me why I found this comment amusing:

reedpappy Rank 1394

If one of them plays the banjo -- and plays it well -- then make him join a group and play for free for ten years. Hang the other one -- whether he plays guitar or not. If neither plays either instrument, hang 'em both, and hand 'em high.
September 05, 2014, 08:53
A.P. Merillat
I'm a little nervous: I might get brought in for a lineup, since I happen to be between 5'11 and 5'6.

2) The way that guy was carrying that priceless piece of instrumentation up to the cashier should be grounds for enhanced sentencing.

3) "...plays it well" One thing about the banjo, nobody ever knows if you're playing it well or not. And, playing "for free" -- Isn't that the only way banjo players ever played, or has someone been scamming me for the last 40 years or so....exit only
September 05, 2014, 16:16
Scott Brumley
My wife referred to my guitar the other day as "that six-string banjo you subject the family to." So I've started trying to learn the mandolin. Imagine the outpouring of love I'll get for that.