TDCAA Community
Reverse Auctions

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November 13, 2013, 13:48
Barbara Wilson
Reverse Auctions
Travis County Purchasing wants to start using reverse auctions to procure.

There is not much in the law on this, just the authority to do them in Local Government Code 262.023 (a)(2) which refers you to Government Code 2155.062(d) which gives a definition but not much else.

I am wondering if anyone has experience with these auctions and if so, could we chat.

The questions that have come up so far are whether counties need to follow Government Code 2155.085 which gives the procedural requirements for the state (the law does not seem to require that) and whether the rest of the requirements of the Purchasing Act apply to reverse auctions--the way 262.023 (a)(1) is written it almost seems that the rest of the act does not apply when you choose to use a reverse auction.
Thanks for any insight you can provide.