February 01, 2007, 09:52
mhartmanBoom or bust
You guys have been great with all your help, and I appreciate it!
Living in a oilfeild community, it's either feast or famine.....big$$$ or none!
Now that we have some $ the comm. ct. is wanting to spend it, meaning construction contracts and such coming from all depatments. I was given an architect contract to review for our new geriatric psych unit at our county hospital.
Having done this job for 10 years, first instance to review such an agreement. I remember there being discussions of architect agreements at some of the seminars. Any papers available on the topic? Any advice?
Thanks again!!!!
February 02, 2007, 07:45
Lisa PetersonIt seems to me that Ray Rike used to give some of those. I think I have some of the old papers...I rarely throw them away! But they may need updating. WHen you come over to get "the book" I'll share!
Lisa L. Peterson
Nolan County Attorney
February 02, 2007, 09:11
mhartmanI thought so too!
I found one from 2001 under thge briefs section and am trying to print it for a sample. I thought Ray had recently given a talk on the topic. Couldn't remeber which year. I keep the seminar papers as well.
Up to my eyeballs in civil contracts at the moment. Funny how these come in both cycles and waves!