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Speaking of $$$$$

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August 08, 2005, 16:04
Speaking of $$$$$
We may have discussed this before, but I don't remember. County has an opportunity to recieve a large donation but, it will be conditioned on or in connection with the donation of a tract of land to be used as part of the county park system. The donation will be large enough to offset the cost of running the park for many years....Here is the question: I know that land is often given long as used as a county park etc. Can $ be conditioned as well or set aside by a court into a certian fund to be used soley for that purpose until a zero balance exists? I realize there may be a problem with subsequent courts trying to invade the fund for other purposes at a later date, I guess my question is more along the lines of the present donation. Would there be any problem with the court accepting the donation with the understanding that it be used for a particular project or department? Can they safeguard it in the future for that project/department as well?
Not often we get folks wanting to give us land that is not contaminated or delinquent and with money to boot....WOW!
August 09, 2005, 14:05
Think I found the answer!
August 12, 2005, 16:47
Originally posted by mhartman:
Think I found the answer!

there is a reverend mr jon e.tellifero;of the firstunited methodist church of 212 broad street of derider,louisiana 70634;which is currentally taking up real donations to befit a needy family of 3;which is most desperate need of a good running vehicle;up to date;if you please!with low mileage;preferably preferred is;a van or a 90 model chevelette surburban;they need the extra room;while they look for work;if you can see one of them is handicap;and america no one or anybody seems to care whether they exist or live or died;even family they do have neglects 1/2 the time;even social organizations has completely turned them down;as well has family members to various churches and members in the imediate areas;refused to intercede in there most beckoning behalf;they re pleading for any bodys help;so this kind and loving indivual came about reverend mr jon e.tellifero said yes ill back you;and hes as real as you can imagine;and backed it up with the asking as unique he is;asking for all of america to get involved imediately;by donating to operation give;its starts to day on friday august12,05 and will run thru march/06'and there most designated goal to accheive is about $7000.00 to aid this crippled women and her family members enough to aid her in her daily living expenses and reverend mr jon e.tellifero would have complete control over it;its to give them a place to live and just to be able to live and get back on there feet;so reverend mr jon tellifero tagged named it;operation give;and is now currentally asking for everybodies in all surrounding areas to donate and get involved;and even if you know some body that could get involved wed appreciate its;we are currentally asking all organizations and large companies to donate and local communities and other churches to take up a small love offering in the church youth group;it dosnt have to be big;cause even every little bit matters and it counts;why cause this is what operation give is really all about;so if you can get your own church to donate thats perfect;or take up a small devotional offering would welcomed;all is welcomed no matter who it comes from its all local cities to donate as well!and especially for those who state that do and believe in helping the least in gods most holy name;it persists;send it in;if youre interested in the operation give program to aid this needy family heres how;if you want to call reverend mr.jon e. tellifero church office;which is opened from moneday thru friday til 4;pm;not on saturday;and will be on sunday til 12;pm noon; and the phone number is;337)463-4491;or you can call him at his home;and if theres a answering machine at;337)463-8915;leave a name and message of course and a phone number you can be reached at and hell returned it quickely;if youre on line and would like to make a pledge seed gift or monetary gift just give him a call he'll tell you what you need to know and so will his loving staff;
if youre on line and you want information and verification;you can email me or him;you email reverend mr.jon e.tellifero at;leave also an expressed message;with a name email address hell or i will write you back or leave a phone number and well call you back;you can email me at;;and i will also suggest even lawyers of texas and district attorneys to get involved in aiding in this great giving era;of operation give;hello im here telling you this message and it will be seen all over the innernet;okay;i do suggest who ever gives to always to give from your whole heart;not 1/2 way witted;and do it in all in gods interest;thats the most important here;and this is a real live operation give and please if youre interested donate;its as real as it gets;and this is where you and i have and can make a bigger difference if we all try in this world we have to live in;so whats you american fine folks waiting for;lets create a real miracle here;donate please and god bless when you do!god speed;god bless all of you!