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Waiver of Conflict of Interest by a Governmental Entity

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February 24, 2002, 14:54
Stephanie Stephens
Waiver of Conflict of Interest by a Governmental Entity
We are one step closer to solving our little ethical dilemma involving our county judge practicing law in our county. I recieved an Ethics Opinion yesterday confirming that it is a conflict of interest on his part. Before he can practice in the courts of our county, he must get a waiver of the conflict from both his client and the county.

Which brings me to the next question: How does one seek or receive a waiver of conflict of interest from a governmental entity?

I plan on requesting an Attorney General's opinion, but I was hoping to find some ideas to present with my request. The more I think about it, the less sure I am that there is a way to do it. Any suggestions from you bright people?

February 25, 2002, 09:01
rob kepple
When it comes to the criminal matter, I can't see how the "county" is the State, isn't it? And you are the attorney for the State, so it seems tht you should be the one to sign -- or not sign -- a waiver....

What's the cite on that ethics opinion? Sounds like a good one to store for future use.