County employee perks
Do your counties offer any perks or benefits that boost morale or offset the fact that you are underpaid?
What could the commisioners offer at little to no cost to retain staff and boost morale without pay increases?
I have been brainstorming and keep coming back to more time off. Does your county have a generous policy as to vacation or holidays that you would share?
Or any other ideas?
June 29, 2005, 11:19
J.L.H.The old adage is that if you have a good idea for your commissioners the way to get it approved is to paint it yellow and print "CAT" on it. Good luck.
John C.A. Hansford Co.

July 05, 2005, 11:17
J GraceI think that because our salaries are, on average, some of the highest in the county, we are not considered by the powers-that-be to be "underpaid." Nevertheless, working at the DA's office does carry a few perks. For example, during the annual county fair, we get to park for free in the "law enforcement" lot. We also used to be able to park for free at the airport, although I have had problems doing this in the last few months. I have heard that we can eat at a reduced price at the jail, although I have not tried this myself.