May 25, 2007, 15:17
jcullommurphyHot Check Fund
I will be researching two issues relating to the DA's Hot Check Fund: 1) Does the Records Retention Schedule (Local Schedule PS, Part 6, Section 6-2, Subsection 2600-05) require that a DA retain hot check files for five years that do not result in a criminal case being filed (where the hot check writer comes in and pays); and 2) Does the interest that accrues on the merchant's funds belong to the merchant?
Any thoughts or ideas are appreciated.
As to point 1, why wouldn't simply be like a case file to be retained as long as administratively valuable? Records as to the fund itself, rather than underlying cases, seem more like what would be retained. Make sure you research AG opinions on point 2. I think there are some on point.