TDCAA Community
Subpoena for Records from SO

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December 16, 2013, 12:03
Dee Belknap
Subpoena for Records from SO
Our SO is asking me about what they need to do in response to a civil subpoena received for all dispatch information relating to an accident resulting in death. There was a no-bill returned on the criminal case. When I look at 30.006, it doesn't seem to really apply since nothing is pending criminally and releasing the information isn't going to interfere with a future investigation. So -- the SO's concern is all the personal information in the disptach reports on just various witnesses that were run on scene by officers, including criminal history information. How would you handle? Just redact the personal? Is there any authority that lets us do that?
December 18, 2013, 23:13
Todd Sellars
Dee, the criminal history information (NCIC/TCIC) is statutorily confidential. I'd still file a motion to quash the subpoena (and alternative motion seeking a protective order limiting the release of the information) even though there's no pending investigation.

Email me at and I will send you various motions to quash that you can cut and paste.