TDCAA Community
Wind Farm Abatements

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October 04, 2007, 15:37
Lisa Peterson
Wind Farm Abatements
Live and learn - we are thinking of changing our abatement agreements - again. When we first got into this, we "trusted" the representations of corporations that they would use local businesses as much as possible. Soon we discovered what "possible" meant...if it took any effort, it didn't happen. So - we changed the guidelines to require a percentage of local use. Because of the proliferation of turbines, several international corporations have opened one person offices in the county. The wind farm firms are considering them - and Walmart - "local" - not exactly what we had in mind. When queried, one wise acre commented that their company has busloads of lawyers, but the county only has one Roll Eyes

We are thinking about changing to a floating abatement. For example, granting a 40%, with the understanding that the company could "earn" up to 20% more by using local - really local - folk.

A lot of this seems to be new ground. Any thoughts?

Lisa L. Peterson
Nolan County Attorney