April 10, 2007, 07:07
Lisa PetersonOil and gas lease
OK - this is a new one to me. We have an oil company wanting to lease the minerals under the county precinct barn. I got the general idea from Brooks -- has anyone done this? I haven't worked mineral leases since law school....
Lisa L. Peterson
Nolan County Attorney
Chapter 71 of the Natural Resources Code controls the bidding and awarding of oil and gas leases. You might check your email later today for more, unless you have changed your email in the last year.

April 10, 2007, 10:35
Scott BrumleyShould we really help you? I mean, come on. We all know the potential Nolan County has to further destabilize the already volatile energy markets with its insistence on its right to maintain its "wind energy" weapons program.

April 10, 2007, 11:44
Lisa PetersonI KNEW I could rely on Ray and Scott for excellent information delivered with a sense of humor; what more could I want?
Lisa L. Peterson
Nolan County Attorney