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Dr. Sridhar Natarajan

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January 02, 2008, 11:24
Dr. Sridhar Natarajan
Does anyone have any information about Dr. Natarajan or his work as a defense expert? He is the former Chief Medical Examiner in Lubbock.
January 03, 2008, 10:20
Not as a defense witness, however while the Chief Medical Examiner at Lubbock we had a baby death,the autoposy was performed by another doctor at Lubbock, who between examination and trial time moved to Arizona. We were unable to get the second doctor back for trial because of scheduling, we contacted Natarajan who also was unable to testify so the court agreed to a telephone statement from Natarajan, with Prosecutor,Defense Attorney and myself present. I do have a rough transcription of that statement if that would be of help. Maybe I could email it. This was a case of a 7 week old baby death, where only the mother and father were present. We decided to go with the mother. She was found not guilty.
January 04, 2008, 11:38
Rachel Patton
I also would love some information on the good doctor since he's been working on the defense. He is working a complicated shaken baby case currently pending. He was on a shaken baby case we had last year, but it pled before I was able to see what he had to say.
January 07, 2008, 11:14
Laura Popps
I, too, have only worked with him from the State's side on a couple of different shaken baby cases, both of which plead before going to trial. However, Jay Lapham, with the Shaken Baby Alliance has faced him as a defense expert before and could probably help you. At one time he had a transcript from that trial which he sent me. One of us should be able to dig it up for you. The number for the SBA is 817-882-8686. Feel free to give me a call also at (512) 463-0255.