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Certifications after age 18

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July 19, 2002, 15:20
Leslie McWilliams
Certifications after age 18
I have a certification coming regarding someone who is now over the age of 18, but a juvenile when the offense was committed. I am semi-confused about what to put in the petition regarding 54.02(j) since it's been years since our county has even done a certification, and the only time we've done one with a kid who's now an adult. I would appreciate anyone's help if they have handled one such as this.
July 22, 2002, 08:48
Stacey L. Brownlee

Do you have the TJPC book by Dawson. He has a good guide to what you need. I can also send you the petitions we use either by email or fax.
You can email me at or give me a call at (281) 341-4471.

Also there are some interesting cases out there on the State's showing of due diligence. Let me know if you need the cites.
July 30, 2002, 09:48
I had an interesting certification hearing with a due diligence issue. Dawson's treatise was helpful because it spelled out the applicable cases. If you think you have a due diligence problem, I'll be happy to tell you about this case, what I got on the record, and why I think it will be upheld on appeal. 409-766-2364