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April 14, 2003, 23:01
Not here too...
C'mon guys lets get fingers moving and start typing. Now that does sound a little Richard Simonsish. What's on the plate for the investigators at this year's annual? Who's the new TCLEOSE person? Who are our new Investigator Board members? Cami, are you our new goto person? What's up? Let's hear it!!!
April 15, 2003, 10:59
Randy Nichols
Hey there Mr. Eagle at TDCAA. Ha, didn't think us dumb ole investigators could figure out who you are did you? Cami is doing an excellent job as Chairperson of the Investigator Section. I understand the Investigator Board just had a meeting and the loose ends are being tied up as to the Annual curriculum, etc. I'm sure the info will be available as soon as the speakers have been confirmed. Relax, we have five months until September.
April 16, 2003, 10:44
Cami Sandifer
Yes, the investigator board just had it's quarterly meeting April 4th. Much work was accomplished toward planning the curriculum of
1. New/Basic Invesitgator School (July 2003)
2. Annual Update (Sept 2003)
3. Investigator Conference (Feb 2004)
Nothing set in stone until speakers can be confirmed. TDCAA won't be doing any publicity for weeks.
Am I the "go to" person? Good question. I'll post the new board make up and get the names out there.