TDCAA Community
Get it off your chest, yo!

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May 21, 2008, 13:49
Sarah Wolf
Get it off your chest, yo!
I need your two cents, please.

The editorial committee, which oversees The Texas Prosecutor journal, met a couple of weeks ago, and we decided to conduct a survey to find out what y'all want to read about in The Prosecutor.

It's just a few questions, and I promise to read all of your answers and incorporate as many of your suggestions into the journal as I reasonably can. What do you want to read about? What do you NOT want to read about? Please tell me!

Go here to take the survey -- and once you hit the "submit" button, you may win a fabulous prize! (Wow, that made me feel like Bob Barker. I mean, Drew Carey. Sheesh.)

Thank you in advance to all my survey-takin' peeps!