TDCAA Community
APPLY NOW: Appellate Specialty
February 16, 2011, 13:43
John A. StrideAPPLY NOW: Appellate Specialty
The criminal appellate specialty has become active. Here is the TBLS web address for those interested in applying this year:[This message was edited by John A. Stride on 02-16-11 at .]
Like a fool, I tossed my notebook of old stats when I left my old job. I'm fairly sure I have nearly 50 oral arguments, but can only account for about 15 without that book.
May 04, 2011, 08:23
John A. StrideI imagine that is a common issue for more than a few more experienced applicants. It is too bad the courts online site doesn't permit a search of oral submissions.
Would a Westlaw/Lexis search of all the cases bearing your name help jog your memory?
I would be in the same boat as you, because after the SBOT denied appellate attorneys a waiver for for the regular criminal speciality, I ceased keeping personal statistics. Back then the appellate speciality was a pipe dream. It might be worth speaking with Gary McNeil at TBLS.
May 05, 2011, 09:37
David NewellIt's not a requirement that you do 50 oral arguments is it? I thought it was only 50 appellate cases with a minimum of 5 oral arguments.
May 05, 2011, 09:53
Andrea WHe's an over-achiever.

Yes, you're right on the numbers, Newell. 50 cases and 5 oral arguments in your career, 25 cases have to have been within the past 3 years.
Deadline's been extended to 5/16, by the way, for anyone who was thinking about applying.
I've been doing this a little longer than the two of you.

I was more lamenting the ongoing diminishment of my intellect than anything else. You would think that as big a PITA as oral argument is, I would keep better track of them.
May 06, 2011, 12:11
Andrea WI would never denigrate your accomplishments, O Great and Wise One. I just didn't want to discourage anyone who doesn't have as lengthy and illustrious a history from applying because they thought 50 was required.

Very true. The number of arguments thou shalt have is 5, not 4 nor 6. 7 is outright...
By the way, the online application process works very well.
September 13, 2011, 22:36
Martha W. WarnerSo how many applied? Seems like a limited number of appellate qualified Prosecutors??? just curious
September 14, 2011, 08:00
Andrea WI don't know in general, but three from my office are currently studying for the test.

September 14, 2011, 09:58
Martha W. WarnerSo how many applied? Seems like a limited number of appellate qualified Prosecutors??? just curious
September 14, 2011, 13:16
David NewellI know of two that have applied.
September 14, 2011, 13:46
John A. StrideI am currently trying to get that information from the SBOT. If they share and I can, I will.
September 14, 2011, 14:39
John A. StrideHere you are, Martha and other inquiring minds. Twenty-seven, who have not been otherwise grandfathered in, have been approved to take the new exam. But I don't know the number of total applicants, the number grandfathered, or the breakdown of judges, court staff, prosecutors, and defense attorneys.
September 15, 2011, 19:54
JohnROnly 27 doesn't give much cushion on the curve. I better start studying.
September 26, 2011, 14:36
LSmithI may be slow on the uptake - but I just noticed online that the exam specifications for the criminal appellate specialty were amended this month.
For anyone else who didn't realize this - they've added ethics to "required knowledge" section.
September 26, 2011, 14:54
Andrea WHey, now that's a whole different kettle of fish! No one ever told me appellate lawyers had to have ethics!

I think the ethics section is a requirement on all of the specialization exams, actually.
Just a reminder to anyone who's been dithering -- today's the last day to pay your fees!
September 28, 2011, 20:47
LSmithHa! I should have known I couldn't get out of this without have my ethics tested.

Just out of curiosity, how many signed up to take the exam on their laptop?
September 29, 2011, 08:17
Andrea WI did! Making my handwriting legible makes the exam take twice as long.

September 30, 2011, 17:59
JohnR+1 laptop, although the rules for Macs are unclear whether we have to use Windows and Bootcamp the native Mac version.