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Federal habeas -- extradition

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March 11, 2004, 10:06
Federal habeas -- extradition
We have a fellow in our jail who does not want to return to scene of the crime, as it were. We had an extradition trial and he has appealed it and finally been refused on PDR. Now he has filed a writ in federal court. Does anyone have a stock response or advice on responding to a writ of this kind. Thanks.
March 11, 2004, 12:01
Originally posted by RBowman:
We have a fellow in our jail who does not want to return to scene of the crime, as it were.

This post gave me a much needed laugh. I wish I had something to help.
March 11, 2004, 13:07
You might contact the AG's office, post litigation division. They might be willing to help. I don't know what he is claiming but it may not be a cognizaable claim for a federal writ if it is just challenging extradition itself.