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11.07 Writs with similar claims

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February 10, 2014, 12:08
Eric C. Carcerano
11.07 Writs with similar claims
In the past week or so I have received three 11.07 writs from individuals that were given long sentences for sexual assaults in the 1990's that all allege three grounds and appear to be word for word copies. The first claim is entitled ADA Claim which claims that the inmate is being deprived of income because he is incarcerated. The second claim is entitled Individual Sovereignty and asks to declare 22.011 of the Penal Code unconstitutional. The third claim asks for damages under 42 U.S.C. ยง1981. I'm not concerned about how to answer these writs, I'm just curious if anyone else is seeing these claims and what their genesis is. Big shift coming? Idle hands? Please feel free to discuss.
February 10, 2014, 15:59
Sounds like Writmageddon, a perfect storm of inmate legal genius.
February 11, 2014, 08:39
Eric C. Carcerano
It looks to me like whoever got the plum job of cleaning up the law library found a bunch of papers scattered around and put them in a stack and sold them for an extra packs of cigs. I always assumed that is how most 11.07 claims are born.