July 14, 2005, 16:34
Richard AlpertDWI Update
I have been told there will be a new printing of the DWI book in the Fall. I will have a chance to update it with the changes in the law. I'd like to hear from anyone who has read it and found an error or feels like there is an area of law or practice that has not been adequately covered. I need the input asap. Thanks
Richard Alpert
I think it could use more pictures. Too many words, you know? Oh, yeah, and make it funnier.
John Bradley
District Attorney
Williamson County, Texas
July 25, 2005, 20:37
JohnRAll I can say is that my favorite changes are the changes to 49.09(e)&(f). Thank you to Rep. Todd Smith and Richard for their work on that.

August 08, 2005, 01:03
Jeff SwainWhat about a section on "Bills that would have been great but that died"? Depending on how far back you went, it might be really long.
January 18, 2006, 14:33
kpmIt would be very helpful to add a section on legislative updates... especially as they relate to important DWI issues. Most importantly (and a personal issue since I've now had two DWI stops suppressed as a result of this...)
Since the violation of Exhibition of Acceleration is no longer a traffic violation, it would be helpful to have some guidance on how to argue this in other ways.
Further, I just think that a more substantial portion of Motions to Suppress would be good.
January 20, 2006, 11:49
Richard AlpertI appreciate all the good suggestions. The new book ( which is now out) does include all the legislative changes. As far as a replacement for "acceleration" stops I have been advising my offers to focus more on how the conduct is an indicator of possible DWI and not so much on whether the conduct constitutes a traffic offense. I would be happy to discuss specific situations in more detail over emails or at the Annual update next week
February 02, 2006, 07:06
JBWell, did you put in more drunk jokes?
John Bradley
District Attorney
Williamson County, Texas
[This message was edited by John Bradley on 02-02-06 at .]