| I just tried to email you but it bounced back:
This is if other offenses were introduced to show his intent (you could change �intent� to �veracity� if you used them to impeach the defendant�s testimony, or �identity� if that was your issue)
�You are instructed that if there is any testimony before you in this case regarding the defendant�s having committed offenses other than the offense alleged against him in the indictment in this case, you cannot consider said testimony for any purpose unless you find and believe beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed such other offenses, if any were committed, and even then you may only consider the same in determining the intent of the defendant, if any, in connection with the offense, if any, alleged against him in the indictment in this case, and for no other purpose.� |
| Posts: 1089 | Location: UNT Dallas | Registered: June 29, 2004 |  