| Yes, the judge is responsible for pressing the contempt. We recently had one of our judges press such a matter. The judge consulted with me, and I expressed that I thought it was more appropriate for the judge to appoint a special prosecutor, who I would be glad to assist in the process.
The judge appointed a local attorney and asked for a visiting judge to be assigned by the administrative judge. The local attorney drew up a petition, alleging the contemptuous conduct. The defense attorney was served with the petition and a hearing was set.
The defense attorney hired a lawyer. We all met and tried to work out an agreed judgment. We couldn't agree, so a hearing was held and evidence was presented. The defense attorney testified, admitting most everything.
The judge found the lawyer in contempt of court and assessed a punishment, probating it (except for the fine), so long as the lawyer worked with the State Bar on some issues (including alcoholism).
The lawyer, I believe, failed to follow up as agreed. A sort of motion to revoke was filed. Another hearing was scheduled, although I didn't attend and don't know how that came out.
So, there you have it. I will e-mail to you the name and contact information for the local lawyer who handled it. I am sure he would be glad to share his forms and research. |
| Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001 |  
Administrator Member
| Looks like someone else is about to find out how contempt hearings work ... Man detained briefly while representing DWI client. By Steven Kreytak AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN STAFF Friday, March 21, 2008 An Austin defense lawyer was jailed last week after being accused of making a lewd gesture at a judge while in court representing a client on charges of driving while intoxicated. Adam Reposa, 33, was held in contempt of court by County-Court-at-Law Judge Jan Breland for his "intentional and contumacious conduct during the court's review of the plea bargain offer to his client before jury trial." To read the rest of the article, and to find out what the attorney did, click here: |
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Administrator Member
| Ken, TDCAA is one step ahead of you. One of the items provided to Dan is a draft article on contempt that will likely appear in the May/June issue of the Texas Prosecutor. How's that for service?  |
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| Defense lawyer found guilty in contempt case over gesture Reposa said the gesture was directed at opposing counsel, not judge. By Steven Kreytak AMERICAN-STATESMAN STAFF Tuesday, April 15, 2008 An Austin defense lawyer accused of making a lewd gesture at a judge last month was found guilty of contempt of court Tuesday. Details. |
| Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001 |  
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| Posts: 341 | Location: Tarrant County, Texas | Registered: August 24, 2001 |  
Administrator Member
| "Reposa -- who identifies himself as Adam "Bulletproof" Reposa on the State Bar of Texas Web site -- was found in contempt at the conclusion of a more than four-hour trial April 15."
Leaving aside the fact that only loners, OG-wannabes, and professional wrestlers give themselves nicknames, isn't a nickname supposed to bear some resemblance to the person so named? As near as I can tell, "bulletproof" is neither literally nor figuratively accurate after this conviction.
[This message was edited by Shannon Edmonds on 04-16-08 at .] |
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| Posts: 341 | Location: Tarrant County, Texas | Registered: August 24, 2001 |  
| What a waste of time and money. |
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| Blogtaters? Has anyone noticed the similarity of the word "blog" to the word "blah," as in "blah blah blah blah blah . . ." It just hit me and I had a fit of the giggles.  Of course, that is what most people hear when they listen to me: "The court held blah blah blah . . . The standard of review is blah blah blah . . . Applying the proper 3-prong test blah blah blah . . ." Sigh. [This message was edited by JohnR on 04-17-08 at .] |
| Posts: 2138 | Location: McKinney, Texas, USA | Registered: February 15, 2001 |  