The races for the three seats on the Court of Criminal Appeals are heating up. The incumbent Tom Price is facing two opponents in the Republican Primary: Carolyn Denoro and Tim Taft.
The incumbent Paul Womack if facing two opponents in the Republican Primary: Steve Mansfield and David Richards.
The incumbent Cathy Cochran currently has no opponent in the Republican Primary.
Judge Mansfield (or someone on his staff) was certainly capable of writing some astute opinions, see e.g., Smith, 897 S.W.2d 348 and Riney, 28 S.W.3d 561, and pretty well lived up to his promise to rule conservatively, so I would hesitate to bash him, though there are certainly valid questions to be raised about him. Considering his opponents, however, he's likely to get scalped.
[This message was edited by Martin Peterson on 01-05-02 at .]
I worked with Tim Taft for several years with the Harris County District Attorneys Office. Tim has a first class legal mind and was always willing to help out when a crisis reared its ugly head in trial. Tim has been on the Court of Appeals in Houston for a couple of terms and has done a good job. Tim will do a fine job on the Court of Criminal Appeals.